If you're Filipino or of Asian descent, you know what this is.
I grew up with this when I was a child still living in the Philippines. The few times that I visited to see family there, I would always look for this. It's very nostalgic and brings back the few childhood memories that I have. I've been finding this soda in a few Asian markets and Filipino/Asian restaurants. When I find them in the markets, I buy as much as I can and try to make them last for as long as possible.
Soda water, cane sugar, caramel, 0.10% sodium benzoate, vanilla, sarsaparilla flavor and citric acid.
I usually pay between $1.50-$2.50 but never over $3. For imported soda, this is a reasonable price.
I personally would rather drink this than any other soda because it is using more natural ingredients than the popular sodas and diet sodas. The flavor profile prominently is sarsaparilla with vanilla. If you don't know what sarsaparilla is, it's similar to root beer with a hint of black licorice and has a pleasant medicinal quality. I know that may sound strange but don't knock it until you try it.
I will always buy this whenever possible. I encourage you to try it, you just might like it. There's other sarsaparilla soda's made in the USA but you will find those in specialty stores.
© Jesse Watrous
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